
It’s Fall. Celebrate Apples!

It’s Fall. Celebrate Apples!

Macoun, Gala, Red Delicious, Honey Crisp, Braeburn, a beautiful variety of apples you can only find at our Harvest Home Farmer’s Markets. Full of taste, from sweet to tart and crispy delicious. Eat them alone, create snacks, mix them with other fall veggies, add them to soup, salads or stews, bake them in desserts, like apple pies.

The ABC's of Prepping for Winter

The ABC's of Prepping for Winter

Bundling up with coats and sweaters will keep you warm on the outside, while chowing down on fruits and vegetables will build you up from the inside! These fruits and veggies build your immune system and help keep away nasty winter colds and flu.

There's More to Thanksgiving  than Turkey, Turkey

There's More to Thanksgiving  than Turkey, Turkey

Side dishes make Thanksgiving a feast of color and taste. Orange sweet potatoes, ruby red beets, white cauliflower, and crimson cranberry sauce. While beautiful, it's a lot of food to prepare!