
Power into Spring

Power into Spring

We are approaching the March weather, which means rain, snow, sleet, warm one day, freezing the next and spring sun trying to chase away the winter gloom. You never know! That’s why we’re rooting (Hay Ray!) for those root veggies that give us what we need to get through the weather craziness.

Power Up your Day - Breakfast On The Go

Power Up your Day - Breakfast On The Go

Do not skip Breakfast! A good breakfast can kick-start your day and help keep you moving all day long. A good breakfast improves attention, increases alertness and memory and kids do better in school. It even improves your mood all day long. No time to make breakfast and get everyone out the door?

Good for You Treats - from the Easter Bunny

Good for You Treats - from the Easter Bunny

Bunnies like Carrots, and so should you, they are loaded with Vitamin C and made a delicious dessert to satisfy any sweet tooth. Our Carrot Cake (recipe below) includes carrots (of course), applesauce, eggs and walnuts, the perfect combination of protein, carbs, and healthy fats like Omega-3.

There's More to Thanksgiving  than Turkey, Turkey

There's More to Thanksgiving  than Turkey, Turkey

Side dishes make Thanksgiving a feast of color and taste. Orange sweet potatoes, ruby red beets, white cauliflower, and crimson cranberry sauce. While beautiful, it's a lot of food to prepare!