Cool Down With A Splash of Flavor

On these hot, humid days, our bodies need extra fluids, to not feel like a drooping flower. A cool shower helps, but the best way to stay cool is to make sure your body is getting enough liquids

How much liquid is enough? That depends on your age and what you're doing. Everyone is different. On average, we have 10 ½ cups of liquid a day. Sounds like a lot, right? It’s not just what you drink, but also what you eat. Some summer fruits and veggies are high in water content.

Eating juicy summer fruits and veggies is an easy, delicious, and refreshing way to give your body the liquid it needs.  Our Harvest Home Farmers Markets are full of watermelon, cantaloupe, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers and more. All full of delicious “water” plus the nutrition your body needs on hot summer days.

And beverages? You need the right ones to stay cool.  Some help you stay cooler than others. Soda and packaged juices are loaded with sugar that your body does not need. Apple juice has as much sugar as a regular coke. Your body must generate heat to use that sugar. More heat is the opposite of cool. The best thing to drink to stay cool is lots of water or tea.  

Before you say "boring," check out our easy ideas (See below) for turning plain water or tea into an interesting, refreshing and a lot less expensive drink. Adding slices of fruit or herbs turns plain water or tea into a delicious drink. Try teas like Japanese Green Tea or African Red Tea (Rooibos) in a glass full of ice. Amazingly refreshing.

Beat the heat with Tasty Refreshment 

Refreshing With Taste


Blueberry Orange Infused Water

  • ¼ cup blueberries

  • 1 orange sliced

  • 4 cups water

Cucumber Mint Infused Water

  • One unpeeled cucumber cut in thin pieces

  • 10-15 crushed mint leaves

  • 4 cups of water

Basil Watermelon:

  • 2 cups watermelon peeled: Either chop finely or use a blender

  • Add 10-15 basil or mint leaves

  • 4 cups of water

To Make:

  • Place the fruit and/or herbs of your choice into a clean glass jar with a lid or a glass pitcher.

  • Cover with 4 cups of tap and place in fridge for at least 3 hours, or 12 hours for really flavorful, tangy water.


Extra Refreshment: Lime-Ginger Syrup: Add a tablespoon or two to a glass of water, club soda, tea or juice for an extra refreshing taste

  • Process in a blender or food processor. 1 cup peeled and coarsely chopped fresh ginger, 1 ½ tablespoons of lime zest, 1 ½ cup sugar and 2 cups water.  

  • Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Discard solids.

Japanese Green Tea of African Red Tea (Rooibos) tea

  • Use twice as much tea as you usually would.

  • Let sit for 10 minutes.

  • Pour over ice cubes

TIPS:  For stronger tea flavor, add fruit with the hot water and tea bags. Remove the fruit after one day in fridge. For more delicate flavor add fruit just before you drink

Sport Drink Replacement: Recharge your body with a glass of Pedialyte instead of sports drinks. It cost half as much and has twice the electrolytes.  


Video of the Week:

How to Make Healthy Soda | Daisy Creek Farms